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Intresting week

The third week from my culinary adventure in Tuscany was quite more dynamic. Two new people came in our kitchen, so I work along with one of them and chef Diego Poli in the pastry kitchen. In the beginning of the week I made a variety of muffins - with white chocolate, cocoa muffins and gluten free muffins - for the buffet breakfast in the hotel.

I also prepared most of the components of the gourmet desserts in the new menu because this was the last week before the grand opening of the restaurant. This included lavander tea with honey and sherry vinegar, infusion from raspberry leaves, basic sugar syrup and powder from dry raspberries. The dishes include some very extraordinary and interesting elements. Example of them are the trees made by spreading dough over a special plastic mould. They are very elegant and are a very beautiful accent in the Fiori e Foglie dessert. I also baked vanilla and cocoa crumble, piped meringue in thin stripes with raspberry powder on the top and dried it in the dehidratator. I also made the predessert - very thin slices of dried beetroot previously cooked with sugar syrop.

Biscuit making was also very interesting process but I most liked the fourth day of this very dynamic week when I made only ice creams, sorbets and granita. In the menu are included a lot of from these fresh desserts - almond ice cream, honey ice cream, lemon sorbet, chocolate and raspberry sorbet, almond water sorbet and fruit granita. I can say that they are very delicious and are one of my favourite things to prepare. The most sweet part of that week were the lavander chocolate bon bons. I also made very cute flowers with sugar, small spheres from apple, different salsas and of course the typical for Meo Modo bread. This week was very long. I spent 7 days in the kitchen and in the end all of us were very tired but we still had power to have some fun in the kitchen during the last hours before the expected day off.

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