The end of one incredible adventure

The end of my culinary adventure in Tuscany is so close. In the beginning i couldn't imagine how the following six months would pass, but now there are only four services left. I feel a bit nostalgic, because for this half a year I have been spending most of my time in the pastry kitchen of Meo Modo by Andrea Mattei and with the great team of the restaurant. Now I have to leave them, but they will always be in my heart, because exactly from this kitchen and these people I started the way towards my professional development. I am really grateful to the executive chef Andrea Mattei that he gave me the opportunity to be part of the restaurant and its team. There I met great professionalists who always tried to be better and better in what they are doing, had the will to share their knowledge and the last, but not less important is that they were very nice people. In the beginning I didn't know what to expect, but during this six--month period I had constantly their support, which helped me quite a lot to get used to the work very easily.

Chef Diego Poli, the pastry chef of Meo Modo, gave me a lot of knowledge of the basics of the pastry, showed me lots of techniques and tought me how to pay attention to every single detail. As the time passed by, he made me feel secure in everything I have been doing. I can definitely say that I did my job with great pleasure and every day I was impatient to go to work. With this amazing team the work was not difficult at all. We have always been helping each other and despite of everything we have been showing respect to the others. Thanks to this job I learned how to be more organised and how to plan my time more effectively, because it was my task to be in charge of the whole pastry and to control everything there. I realise the positive effect of this internship. It made me more ambitious and willing to go further and further in my career in the sphere of Pastry.